Saturday, May 31, 2008

The OSI Rock Star Rumor Mill

Ok, so go ahead, call me Rhona Barret. Well, maybe don't. In case you don't know, Rhona Barret was a reporter who gossiped about all the Hollywood stars long before "X-tra X-tra" came on the scene.

It seems, however that someone's got to keep tabs on what has become an out of control mystery going on at OSI headquarters.

A group of eBay Sellers, Educators, PowerSellers belong to a group called OSI Rock Stars, a site set up for people who get locked out of their homes by relatives for eating, breathing, sleeping and dreaming everything eBay.

Many of the people who are in this group are going to eBay Live! in Chicago this June. "Rock Stars" who helped creator Janelle Elms launch the OSI site, moderate the forums and contriubte to webinars and podcasts requested a place to meet at Live!

Well, call it the return of "Divine Right's Trip", but we have been getting "clues" in the form of Utube videos on what we can expect from OSI Rock Stars in Chicago.

So far, we haven't done such a great job of figuring out what Janelle and her trusty videographer Dany are up to. It's our mission to find out.

In the interest of archiving this historic event, I'm going to have a post for each video and let history decide how all of us Rock Stars couldn't figure out we were really staying at Mick Jagger's Chicago home and being treated to a private concert by Sir Paul. Hey, I'm just saying.... judge for yourself.....

So, I'll be posting all the video clues in order. As with any good mystery clue video web 2.0 treasure hunt, there is also the "lost" video - one that surfaced never to be seen again. While it may show up in the Louvre many years from now, I only mention it so that "The Secret" has a legacy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

