Sunday, June 15, 2008

It's Dog Eat Dog Out There

Marlene and JR, in SEO of Jeremy formed "The Fliplips Defective Agency". We only know for sure that Nina is a double agent, working for both sides. First she was 007but I spotted her a mile away... she was really No. 14 - there's your double or nothin...

Not since "Cape Fear" has the tension been so great.

The Mission Fish:

"Marlene's To Do List:
1 - find hunky Cholon
2 - save Jeremy!!

So Cholon is on the list to save as well. How do I tell M & JR he was found having a Cholon-oscopy?

Jeff, a dog working with the Agency was in hot pursuit. It was reported by loco authorities that Marlene spent ten hours in the Golf of Mexico Cart trying to track down the Seattle Sea Creature clue. I'm trying to keep up with them, but things move rather slow in the Fish Niche Tank.

Before you could say 1PetsPalace, look what I found....

Not only that, Madame Virgo replied aw well with a fishy story - another McGriffith, if you ask me.

It reminded me of another photoclue posted long ago... I think this one had to do more with Madame Virgo's (or one of her familiar pets') paternity issues.

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