Sunday, June 15, 2008

Pikes Peak at Pikes Place.

Sung to the tune of
"Summertime" lyrics by DuBose Heyward and Ira Gershwin, parody by WebWendy

"Summit Time,
And the live! is at eBay
Fish are jumpin'
And the Copper River is high

Your Go-Daddy's rich
And your domains are good lookin'
So push up little eBay
Don't you cry

One of these lawn things
They're going to price up sniping
Then you'll spread your pings
And you'll take to the Skype

But ‘til that lawn things sold
There's a-nothing can calm you
With go-daddy and mailman stamping buys

Summit Time,
And the live! is at eBay
Fish are jumpin'
And the Copper River is high"

WebWendy all rights reserve price

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