Monday, June 9, 2008

The Lost Uncle "McGriffith" Clues from OSI

Ok, so it's been bothering me. I admit it. You see, it all started like this. A group of people belong to an online group dedicated to learning more about eBay. Now for those of you reading this who think belonging to such a group is as bad as confessing that you go to Star Trek Conventions, may the force be with you. You gotta do something.

This post is for any one wanting to know what this blog is about (who isn't an OSIer) or didn't follow the fun threads, and needs to school-up.

Meanwhile, eBay is holding it's annual (soon to be bi-annual) event in Chicago called eBay Live! Going to eBay Live! is in a class of it's own in terms of general "experiences". But that's another post.

So, a bunch of "Rock Stars" who belong to a site called not surprisingly have many forums going about a vast array of topics.

Recently,on one thread not talking about blogging or SEO or how to find items to sell on eBay or how to optimize your eBay store,there was a thread about finding out what Janelle Elms, who started osi had planned for us RS at a eBay Live! meet-up, at the request of the members going to Chicago.

The clues started to take shape in the form of videos. In-between the video clues, which were found on YouTube, Vermento and other Rock Star's blogs, various pictures and other videos which really weren't clues at all started to emerge. I haven't listed those here, but I might start. It's been bothering me.

Why is this post called The Lost Uncle "McGriffith" Clues from OSI? Because many of these clues were called McGuffins after Hitchcock who coin the phrase in 1939.

Of course, anyone at eBay knows we would really call these red-herrings "McGriffiths". I'd post them in honor of Uncle Griff, my most favorite eBay personality and a great scrabble player.

Ok, here's the one that JR posted about Fish Heads. This one scares me. I had to turn off the music to "The Twilight Zone" when I was a kid, and just the other day too. Due to record accuracy, I must include it. JR found it.

The Fish Niche Spa - the rest of the story

This next McGriffith, posted by Ghostleg Media, taught Marlene how to be a nag.... In the-savvy-seller's own words "JR is right - we're not into transplanting body parts. But I did get a good idea of how to sound like a nag ..... Daaaaaaannnnnyyyyyyy, Daaaaaannnnnyyyyy ....."

I'm still cracking up over that! You can lead a Unicorn to Candy Mountain, but they'll kidney stone you when your tryn' to be so good. "Oh to Live on Candy Mountain with the Kidneys and the colored ballons..." Hey, they don't call them McGriffiths' for nothing... Kind of makes you wonder what Dany watches on cable....

This will give you a Charlie Horse

Ok, I have a "feeling" this Ms. Cleo Clip gave someone an idea.... This is a "Classic McGriffith."

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