Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Savvy-Seller Flips out from OSI Clue deprevation

Yes it's true the-savvy-seller has us all confused by putting in a clue of her own. I guess it's a flip-wish. Soon I'm going to need to use the Dewey Digital System to keep track of all these clues. Good job, Marlene, but I couldn't help noticing an absence of hunky guys and road kill. On the positive side, I've never uploaded a video to You Tube (See "Confessions of a Social Networking Downloader") so I can't really cast stones.

Twas the weeks before eBay X-Live! and all through the eposide of "House"; not a creature was stirring - except Jeremy and the wireless mouse; The fish niche stockings were hung by the shimmery eye-care, In hopes that Yves Saint-Laurent would be worn here;

Marlene could not sleep, stickers, limos, fish, & bodyguards with Peds; Whilst visions of Peppershots danced all thru her head!

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